ReactJS is a popular and highly demanded open source JavaScript library designed for developing user interfaces. This technology is supported by FB, Instagram, Airbnb and other developers from different industries and companies. ReactJS allows us to develop single page and mobile applications. And the difficulty lies in hiring a good ReactJS developer profile. I participated in developing a lot of applications with different use cases, based on ReactJS development services.
Star projects
Being the initiator of the ReactJS project, This framework is used both in their web and mobile apps.
User Interface (UI) of the World's most popular instant messaging app is based on ReactJS.
ReactJS is found in many parts of the 3rd most used application in the world.
Airbnb has made ReactJS one of their main development tools. We owe a lot to the work they did on this framework.
They succeeded in meeting the challenge of providing a fluid interface on TVs of all performances, thanks to ReactJS.
On this project, I am the only one to endorse all the technical part, I helped this company from the blank page to nearly 500k € / month of turnover so far, working remotely.
ReactJSTypescriptNext.jsGatsbyNode JSFirebaseAWSGitlab CI
Mobile application for planning journeys (from the fastest to the one with the fewest connections) by public transport in the metropolis of Nantes: Map, Itineraries, timetables, dematerialized tickets (mTickets).
Audit / Analysis of the existing mobile application, developed in Ionic / Cordova, identification of weak points, and recommendation of frameworks / tools for its redesign.
Development of an application allowing the detection of certain neurodegenerative diseases through exercises using the touch screen and the bluetooth connection.
Development of the mobile application allowing patients to pre-register and manage their stay preferences, as well as ensure their post-stay follow-up.
Development of the Crédit Agricole Titres internal portal, making it possible to keep internal players informed of developments relating to savings and investment solutions.
On this huge project, I participated for 1 year in the functional design of the mobile application allowing counter clerks to meet customers, and to be able to perform all the day-to-day operations of a post office counter from a smartphone.
Développement de l'application S2E permettant aux salariés de gérer leur épargne salariale, et d'effectuer toutes les opérations courantes allant du versement à la restitution de fonds, en passant par l'arbitrage entre les différents supports disponibles.